Sunday, May 24, 2009

FYI:Volunteer Hours for The Whole Wall Project

approx 94 ft of the wall is 14'4" high/ the last 40' is 21'+ tall/ minus the approx 56 sq ft doorway area

BRICK: Mark Collette at Cloud Ceramics kept up with all the brick production, scheduled delivery and pickup, and drilling of the carved pieces after they came back to the plant. I think Mark and a couple of their guys drilled approx 45,000 holes to aid in the drying of the brick pieces before firing. It took three days to drill out the 7 palettes of carved pieces returned to the brick yard each week. He indicated they wore out one drill press and a good dozen 2' augur bits on the project.
He said Cloud Ceramics had 2000 man hours in labor at the completion of carving date 4/08 @ $15/hr= $30,000

Brick supplied: approx 7000 brick/shims/drilling/drying/firing/
palletizing/storage/delivery( I'll use the difference subtracting their labor from the $20/sq ft that I pay in Seattle from the $46K....$16,000)
Easel: Cloud Ceramics also built/supplied at their expense the 8' x 20' easel assembled at CCCC for the project . Mark's guess on 2 days, 2 guys time/materials $1000
Shipping & Delivery: Cloud Ceramics trucked the green brick to the studio, picked up the carved brick, and the 6000#s of clay removed in the process of carving each week $1000
Mural Storage
: for the panel since carving completion in April 2008/ 1 year@ $1000
Various Sculpture Brick Pricing Comparisons:
Pricing charged for brick to be sculptured before the artist begins carving. Sculpture bricks are moved an average of 9-11 times before they are installed in the wall, so, very labor intensive.
Seattle Brick from Mutual Materials at $20/ sq ft = $46,667 ( includes brick, drying, firing, storage, packaging to ship)
Nebraska's Endicott Clay Products at $90/ sq ft for double deep brick = $210,000( includes brick,lay up /take down with numbering, drying,firing,storage,invoicing, packaging for shipment

THE STUDIO @ CCCC Art Dept: Volunteer space for a year( I think Catharine began in Feb 07- Apr space, heat, light, phone and computer, fax, water, restrooms, and interesting people...maybe $400/mo) approx $4800

VOLUNTEER HELP at Cloud County Community College Studio:
Project of 17 Layup Sections

Barbara Steven's College Crew Layup:
Ave 6 people x 4 hrs x $7/hr wage(minimum according to Dave Walker paid at the college) = $168 x 17 sections = $2856 Labor
Dana Brewer's Takedown Crew;
Ave 10 people(included 2 artists/ pricing not in contract) x 6 hrs x $7/hr wage x 17 sections = $7140
Dave Walker's Supervision /General Guy Friday/ Supply requisition/Toolmaking/ Cleanup at CCCC/ beyond his regular duties at the school: 200 hrs @ $7/hr = $1400
Aline Luecke's Daily Photo Documentation: 1 hr @ $10/hr x 7 weekdays x 17 sections during carving phase = $1190 (doesn't count web work/emailing progress pix)
Tammy Britt's & Aline's Daily Photo Documentation and Blog update for 6 weeks during installation $1000
Disassembly of carving easel at CCCC and storage: $500
Volunteer Apprentice Labor: (all helpers averaging $7/hr min wage x 20 hrs/week x ave 24 weeks) = $3360

MUSEUM Artist in Residence, 117 E 7th St, Concordia,KS: Although project took a year span to complete the carving, artists were there for about 6 months and for the 1-2 months for the current installation. Rent and utilities/ just a guess $300/mo x 7 = $2100 (feel free to update if you have a better assessment).

Catharine charges $500/day for lectures/workshops + travel expenses
Mara charges $500/day + travel expenses for workshops
Catharine's School Group Tour at CCCC 07
CCCC Evening Presentation Update/ Mara 10/07
Concordia and Clyde High School presentations/Mara 10/07
Pottery Demo Workshop /Mara 07
6+ Coffee and Cookie Community Thurs Evenings with Guest Carver Opps 07-08
10+ Guest Apprentice Opportunities(as little time as 30 minutes to hours/days/weeks (Aline Luecke, Barbara Stevens, Lisa Guerra, Sam Deal (although totally blind), Carol Urban, Richard and Phylis Cyphers, Dave Walker, Marinella Hemenway, Jennifer Tashkent,Mark Morgan, Scott and Lori Halfhide, Jim Bourne, and a number of others I have yet to recall. Please remind us if you helped carve.)
6+ Tours of Work in Progress with hands on Carving/ Concordia High students/Clyde High School students as "the Skyrakers"/ Cat Scratch Video Shoot/Others
2 Radio/TV Interviews
CCCC Cook Auditorium Slide Show for 300 all area students on Working Artists' Career and Business + Workshop: Catharine and Mara

Catharine and Mara have donated small animal mold designs and whole brick figure prototypes that can be made to generate income from donations

Average 6 major lectures/workshops @ $500 each= $3000


Meals/House supplies /Catharine $1000
Meals/Supplies /Mara $1000
Other Sculptors in 07 /Meals/Transportation $1500
Transportation,car and gas/ Catharine $3000
Flights to/ from Seattle,WA/ Mara $1000
Own insurances
Computer DSL to the house $315
Cell phones: Mara @15/mo $90 Catharine $300
Personal carving tools: Mara/$400 Catharine/$300

Amount volunteered so far....$85,251 to $246,251 pre tax, depending on comparative brick company pricing.

Feel free to add anything I forget!

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