Saturday, March 22, 2008


Brick color on the mural for The Whole Wall Project:
Cloud Ceramic's Crimson Dark Ironspot

Mortar Mix: (three bag batch)
1 Bag Design Mix 80# ( 3 bags / mix usually )
1 ½ # Davis Color Black + 1/2# Davis Color Dk. Brown #6059

1/3 bottle dry block / 3 bag batch—caution/ makes the mortar wetter
( dry block helps waterproof the mortar & retain the color /makes it easier to cut and clean).
Make sure the panel is secured / it would take months to get recarved brick back to you.
Panel is numbered from lower left corner on the top of the bed:
brick a-1/ a-2/a-3/a-4 thru a-12. Second course b-1/ b-2 / b-3….. + Roman # section ie III etc.
Lay at least the first palette out on the floor dry…. It’s important to see if all the pieces are turned the right way.
Lay the first course dry in the frame to figure the joint size needed: ¼ to 3/8 size joint is recommended.

Keep joints full of mortar….after it stiffens (about every 3 to 6 courses), cut flush with the flow of the design.
Put in wall ties every three courses.
Stand back frequently to see if everything is lined up.
When finished, brush dry.

Mason to clean panel after it sets and cures. Apply a sealer like Fabrikem to give it extra protection ( 1 Gal. /125 sq. Ft. mist on with a Hudson sprayer.

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